Tools for React Native Development(Phần 1)


Tools, libraries, and services are an important part of every developer’s life, no matter which environment you’re developing for. And React Native is no exception. In this article, I’ll walk you through some of the best UI frameworks, libraries, components, development tools, and web services which will make you a happier and more productive React Native developer.

Text Editors and IDEs
Visual Studio Code is a text editor which has built-in IntelliSense, debugging, and Git integration capabilities. What makes it really good for React Native development is its React Native tools extension. This allows you to execute React Native commands from the command palette, add IntelliSense for React Native APIs, and debug code within the editor itself.

For more information regarding how to set up Visual Studio Code for React Native, check out this blog post: VSCode for React Native.

If you’re using Atom, you can install the Nuclide plugin. This plugin was specifically created for working with React Native, Flow, and Hack projects. It has a built-in debugger and element inspector with all the features you’re used to in Chrome Developer Tools. Flow support means that you get autocomplete, type-hinting, and code diagnostics out of the box.

If you want to explore more IDE and editor options, check out this blog post on the Top 10 Editors for React Native.

Development Tools
Development tools have a wide scope, so I’ll be grouping each tool based on its focus:

  • SDK
  • code quality
  • testing
  • debugging
When it comes to SDKs for React Native, nothing beats Expo. Expo allows you to easily prototype an app without the need for Android Studio or Xcode. It includes a set of components and libraries to help you speed up your development.

The Expo workflow consists of the following:

  1. Create a new project using create-react-native-app.
  2. Write the code in your favorite text editor.
  3. Run the app using the Expo client app.
There’s no need to connect your phone to your computer. Simply scan the QR code on your terminal using the Expo client app, and it will automatically run your app. If you’re using Genymotion, Expo supports that too.

The only disadvantage when using Expo is that you cannot include any custom package which uses the device’s native functionality. Expo already includes a number of commonly used native packages such as the Camera, Facebook, and Map. But if you need to use a package that they don’t already support, then you’ll have to "eject" your app. At that point your app will be as if it was created with react-native init, and you’ll also lose the ability to run it using the Expo client app.

Code Quality
Checking the quality of your code is important, and that is why tools like ESLint exist. In a nutshell, a linting tool allows you to be more consistent with your code by checking it against a style guide. An example of such a style guide is Airbnb’s JavaScript Style Guide which specifies rules on how JavaScript code should be written. The linting tool then checks your code against those rules to ensure that they've been followed. There’s also a style guide for React projects.

If you’re using Sublime Text, here’s a good tutorial on how you can configure it so that you can have real-time feedback on the quality of your code while you’re coding: Sublime Linting for React and ES6. If you’re using another editor or IDE, be sure to look for a corresponding plugin which uses ESLint.

If you want to add static typing to your project, you can use Flow. Flow adds static-typing on top of JavaScript without you having to make any changes to your existing codebase. This is because Flow tries to infer the type whenever possible. For new projects, though, it's recommended that you explicitly specify the type to reap the full benefits of using Flow.

To get started using Flow, here’s a tutorial on how you can set up Flow for your React Native projects.


Enzyme is a testing utility for React which allows you to assert, manipulate, and traverse your component’s output. It provides methods such as shallow() to "shallowly" render your components, find() to traverse the rendered component, and expect() to assert the props or the content rendered within the component.

You can follow this guide to Using enzyme to Test Components in React Native to make your React Native app testable with enzyme. If you’re new to enzyme, you can read this tutorial on Testing React Components with Enzyme and Mocha.


Reactotron is a desktop app that allows you to debug React and React Native apps. Some of its key features include inspecting, modifying, and subscribing to the app state, tracking HTTP requests made through the app, benchmarking the app performance, and tracking errors. If you’re using Redux, you can even dispatch actions and track sagas from within Reactotron.

Boilerplates and UI Frameworks
Snowflake is a boilerplate for full-stack React Native development. It includes everything from the front-end to the back-end of the app. So if you just want a tool that can help you quickly get started then you might find Snowflake useful. You can read the notes for more information on what packages and tools are used to put it up.

Alternatively, you can use Ignite. It's a command-line tool which also includes a boilerplate, generators, style guide for UI components, API Testing Tool, and more.

React Native already comes with UI components which you can use for user interaction. The problem is that they only have the most basic styling in order for each component to be distinguished for what it is (e.g. button, checkbox). If you want to add custom styles, you have to write your own CSS code.

This is where NativeBase comes in. It allows your app to have a truly native look and feel by implementing the same design used in native Android (Material Design) and iOS (Human Interface Guidelines) apps. Out of the box, you get custom components such as Floating Action Buttons, Spinners, and best of all, form components.

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